Better Reporting

We know that data is the only way to make decisions.

Turning your data into knowledge that can help run your business is critical. Being able to get insight without a lot of cost is a challenge for many companies. PowerGP Online has over 400 built-in Excel refreshable reports that are connected to your data. Plus, they are formatted in Excel, so you can easily modify the reports based on your unique business needs. We also have experts to help you get more out of your data by helping to build any custom reports needed. PowerGP Online includes content packs for PowerBI, and we will soon be adding our incredible, new PowerGP Financials to our PowerGP PowerSuite.

Content Packs

PowerGP Content Packs for PowerBI are a series of six Microsoft PowerBI Content Packs exclusively designed by Belinda Allen to help you turn your data into valuable insights about your business. These content packs, available in the Microsoft PowerBI AppSource, will help you get started with Power BI in just a few clicks of your mouse. And because they connect to your PowerGP Online company data using PowerGP Connect, you have complete control over what data each of your users is able to see.

Turning your data into knowledge that can help run your business is critical. Being able to get insight without a lot of cost is a challenge for many companies. Creating reports and getting you data into the reports is easy with PowerGP Online.

PowerGP Content Packs for PowerBI are a series of six Microsoft PowerBI Content Packs exclusively designed by Belinda Allen to help you turn your data into valuable insights about your business. These content packs, available in the Microsoft PowerBI AppSource, will help you get started with Power BI in just a few clicks of your mouse. And because they connect to your PowerGP Online company data using PowerGP Connect, you have complete control over what data each of your users is able to see.

ProTip from Belinda Allen, PowerBI MVP, “Don’t wait to get started, go to today.”