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Protect your ERP Data from Ransomware

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT  In 2021, 37% of Businesses were hit by Ransomware at a world-wide cost of $20B. That number is expected to grow to $265B by 2031. On average, the cost of recovering from a Ransomware attack is around $1.85M. And the 37% of companies that paid the ransom only received 65% of […]

PowerGP Protect: Premium Security for Dynamics GP

PowerGP Protect

PowerGP Protect is our initiative to keep your data as safe as possible. We are prepared for any scenario and take precautions to make sure you are protected from bad actors and possible data breaches. Our CEO, Chris Dobkins details in the video below the steps that are taken to keep your data safe.  

5 Ways to Be a Successful Remote Organization

remote company

The business world has been debating, discussing, implementing, and even just trolling the idea of adopting a remote workforce long before the coronavirus v2019 forced the conversation into the spotlight. While Njevity, Inc. has an HQ with regular officemates, many team members only work remotely all over the country. The company also has an open policy […]

The Best Way to Protect Dynamics GP from a Cyber-Attack Isn’t What You Think

The best way to protect your Dynamics GP environment from a Cyber-attack may not be what your accustomed to. At Njevity, we prepare for these scenarios and work hard at preventive measures so if you are attacked you are prepared and can continue functioning as a business. One of the ways we can prepare you […]

Ransomware Attack Impacts Dynamics GP Community

  Over the Christmas Holiday, a devastating Ransomware attack that impacted several major US newspapers also took down services at a large cloud provider within the Dynamics community, and many Dynamics GP customers are still down.  While an attack of this magnitude on a cloud provider makes headlines, points out that in 2019, the Ransomware attacks “that don’t make the news will include hundreds of thousands […]

Is It Time to Insource Payroll? (And Outsource Compliance)

With employee payroll, there’s no room for error. Paychecks and direct deposits need to be processed on time and accurately, every payday. Payroll is one of your organization’s largest expenses, and payroll mistakes definitely leaves a bad impression with your employees. Payroll accuracy impacts your organization’s compliance with local, state, and federal wage and hour […]

I Got 99 Problems, but the IRS Ain’t One of Them

  When does the 1099 get populated in PowerGP Online? Per the IRS’s Instructions for 1099’s, we report (using 1099’s) the amounts “for each person (or business) to whom you have paid during the year”.  Note it says PAID not billed.  The IRS doesn’t care when you get the invoice, what date is on the […]